
The conscious mind, accounts for 10% of the mind, containing your present awareness. For example, when reading a book, you are aware of the words on the page. What you may not be aware of is the sound of traffic or dogs barking outside, music playing in the background or even the color of the chair you are seated in. The conscious mind can only hold the information you are currently focusing on. The conscious mind is the logical part of the mind that analyzes and solves problems. It evaluates whatever concern, situation or issue that has its attention at the moment. It is the part of your mind that makes decisions. It is the place of the temporary memory that you utilize everyday to function.

Your subconscious mind accounts for the other 90% of your mind. It is similar to a computer. It takes in everything we hear, see, feel and experience and stores it in your memory bank. The subconscious mind controls all of your bodily functions; breathing, heart beating, eyes blinking, the immune system, organs, muscles, bones and tissues. The subconscious mind is where you store your emotions, habits, core beliefs and your permanent memory since conception. Like a computer, your subconscious mind operates only on it's programming, which has been created based on your life experiences. Through hypnosis we are able to reprogram your subconscious mind to bring about the positive changes you desire.

Between the Conscious and Subconscious Mind is a doorman called the "critical factor." It has the power to accept or reject new programming. Its job is to protect you. Because change, even positive change, is viewed as a threat, therefore most new programming gets rejected. This explains why you may wake up in the morning and say, "today I will eat only healthy foods," and by noon you are searching for chocolate. The only way to make real change is to get the new programming into your subconscious mind. During hypnosis your critical factor is put to sleep for awhile and the new programming, ideas that you want it to be receptive to goes directly into your subconscious mind bypassing the critical factor, allowing for positive permanent change.

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